A New Journey

Overhead view of a crowded street at night with stalls, cars, and people walking.

Tanaya, aged 18, belongs to the Agrey-wali community in India, which is known for its legacy of generational family prostitution. “When I was taken away from my parents, I was angry and confused”, says Tanya.

Tanaya, aged 18, belongs to the Agrey-wali community in India, which is known for its legacy of generational family prostitution.

Tanaya was procured by an influential couple when she was a baby. This couple had been in the business of the sex trade for years. Tanaya was growing up under their care and protection and attended an English medium school, like other girls her age. But, little did she know that she was getting nurtured to be put into the sex trade later.

Blurry image of a crowded street with people in the foreground and buildings with bright lights in the background.

Post rescue from the red-light community where she was growing up, Tanaya was placed in the Mahima Homes. Initially, she was upset and angry because she had been taken away from her parents. Later, when she learned about her so-called parents' reality, she was broken to the core.

Tanaya says with a lot of hurt, “I couldn’t believe that whom I addressed as mummy and daddy would one day give me off for prostitution.”

Gradually, with time and counselling, Tanaya got a grip on her emotions. She realized how she was being prepared to be used as a pawn for getting high-value clients. It took time for Tanaya to come to terms with the truth about her so-called parents as her place of trust was broken.

The staff would engage Tanaya in different activities to keep her from crowding her mind with thoughts and memories of her growing up with her so-called parents who pampered her a lot. It was difficult for Tanaya to believe that the love and care she enjoyed with them was all just a show, driven towards a different purpose.

At Mahima, Tanaya attended life skill classes that helped her to understand the value of her life. Mahima helped her cope with her emotions through music and dance therapy and also created a space for her healing. Tanaya received a quality education and after-school tutoring support that brought her good grades in her Class 10 Board examination. The career counselling support further brought clarity to her regarding her future course of study.

When asked about the impact of Mahima in her life, Tanaya says with a smile. “Mahima has provided me the platform to think beyond my present. I am thankful to Mahima for being in my life and giving me the confidence and encouragement, I need from time to time. “

Currently, studying in Class 11 and majoring in Commercial Studies, she dreams of becoming a Chartered Accountant and advocate for girls who slip into the dirty trails of prostitution.

Mahima has provided me the platform to think beyond my present. I am thankful to Mahima for being in my life and giving me the confidence and encouragement, I need from time to time.
— Tanaya